Privacy Preserving Decentralization

Through the use of two primary technologies, specifically Zero Knowledge Protocols (ZKP) and cryptographic data encapsulation, EVE Frontier will be able to achieve a scalable and fully decentralized virtual world that allows players to choose when (and to whom) to reveal their game activity.

ZKP enables a full tapestry of private data use cases which in conjunction with the digital primitives for locality, observational range and rules provides a rich canvas for gameplay, all verifiable and provable on blockchain:

  • Plan an attack and move forces in secret

  • Hold hard-earned assets in private vaults

  • Engage in Syndicate espionage and counter-espionage

  • Waylay shipping lanes in the far reaches of space whilst remaining hidden

  • Strategically place observation structures to mine tradeable valuable data

ZKP enables all of this activity to occur on the client side of the architecture. Due to this technology, all actions are verifiable on-chain with a full record of proof without needing to put large amounts of data fully on-chain. EVE Frontier’s digital physics and game rule enforcement can be handled through accounting transactions that record the sequence of events, without detailing the specifics of those events. This approach minimizes the reliance on centralized infrastructure, such as game servers, and shifts much of the responsibility for game execution to the coordination between player clients, enabling decentralization through coordination protocols.

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