The Great Chasm

Over the course of our 20-year history, we have identified three key areas for advancing the craft of virtual world creation. With EVE Frontier, we are committed to pushing these boundaries, striving to bridge the gap toward a world that can live and thrive solely through the passion of its players. In such a world, sovereignty will be enshrined over time from governance structures established within, resilient to external influence and immune to any form of centralized whims.

  1. Immutability. When a virtual world is managed centrally by a corporation (such as CCP Games), it will never be a genuinely autonomous digital world built out by its participants. The owners of the codebase are ultimately god-like and, with a keystroke, can change all the underlying physics of the world. Therefore, laws of the world must be immutable for long-term stability.

  2. Composability. Our natural world can combine random ingredients together and produce completely unexpected results. In a coded world, this needs to be determined in some way, through a variety of coded rules or instructions. Ensuring these coded rules can easily interact with each other is paramount for future unexpected creativity. Therefore, everything must be composable to some degree.

  3. Extensibility. A truly thriving virtual world must offer room for growth and adaptation. Extensibility allows players and developers to build on top of the existing systems, expanding the world in ways unforeseen by its original creators. This flexibility ensures the world can evolve alongside new technologies, ideas, and player-driven innovations. Therefore, the framework must be designed to support continuous expansion without breaking its core structure.

These challenges are daunting, yet they drive us to redefine the limits of realism and autonomy in a virtual world. With EVE Frontier, we aim to push these boundaries in a way never before attempted in history, just as EVE Online did two decades ago, setting a new standard for what’s possible in immersive digital experiences.

  1. We begin with the natural laws of physics, with the intention to bring about emergent behavior through a simple base model. Everything in Frontier requires Energy to activate. Creating energy requires Fuel. Fuel is our basic unit of mattering in the universe.

  2. We are enshrining the most basic rules of the universe into the blockchain, making them immutable, forever. Natural laws will not be able to be changed, giving confidence to anyone wishing to build on the universe. As blockchain technology progresses, our entire game engine will be open sourced and also placed on-chain. This ecosystem will be shepherded by a democratized governance system that prioritizes the wishes of the players.

  3. We will curate an initial environment to ensure this game is jumpstarted with activity and missions. In the short-term, players will be able to design their own missions through Smart Assemblies, fundamentally shaping a dynamic and goal-driven environment themselves.

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