Tribes and Syndicates

Frontier will feature Tribes - made of tens to hundreds of players. Tribes can unite to form Syndicates, consisting of hundreds or thousands of Tribes. Tribes and Syndicates are likely to form as players coordinate and collaborate to navigate the environment, maximize efficiency, conquer rivals, and pursue a range of other strategic goals.

Tribes and Syndicates within the EVE Frontier universe will adhere to principles of autonomy and collective decision-making, with control and access governed by a combination of governance structures and voting power. The flexibility of these organizational structures being written in Solidity enables these structures to be designed as standalone, external applications that interact seamlessly with in-game mechanics. This highlights the technological potential of blockchain as the backbone for customizable, player-driven organizational frameworks, similar to how Smart Assemblies function in the game.

These organizational entities will exist as Smart Objects - on-chain entities governed by the game's rules. Third-party developers can extend the logic and capabilities of these structures, allowing for innovative player governance. By empowering players to shape their own societies through emergent interactions with these Smart Objects, EVE Frontier aims to create a dynamic, evolving universe driven by collective player agency. The framework allows for infinite possibilities, limited only by the players’ creativity and Solidity code.

We have forged the fundamental tools of social organization, yet the nature of Tribes and Syndicates will be entirely shaped by the will of the players, evolving in unique and unpredictable ways. True to our core philosophy of emergent behavior and composability, we invite and empower players to mold these groups to their desires. What emerges from this is a rich tapestry of diversity, where no two organizations - much like their real-world counterparts - will ever be identical. For example, Tribes and Syndicates may diverge along the following lines:

  • Mandate: Tribes (and Syndicates) may form for specific purposes such as trading, piracy, defense & protection, and other player-driven mandates that have not yet been imagined.

  • Management Style: Each of these entities may diverge in management styles, at the discretion of each group - ranging from democratically voted leadership, to cults of personality, to authoritarianism, just to name a few. It will be interesting to see which ones rise to prominence and power.

  • Organizational Structure: Within each Tribe and Syndicate, players may form departments to further their specialization in support of a cause. Much like real-world counterparts, departments such as Human Resources, IT, Logistics, Operations, Finance and more may be created in response to the needs and relative complexity of cooperation within the organization.

Beyond the mere function and structure of organizations, players may also leverage Smart Assemblies and the power of third-party development to further accelerate their organizations’ goals. Whether your goal is to create proprietary tools for Tribes or Syndicates, use a Tribe and/or Syndicate to proliferate the use of a tool, or something else entirely - the only limit is your imagination.

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