Smart Assemblies

To ensure the effective evolution of this shared universe, we have established standards for composition - both within the game and written into the underlying code itself. EVE Frontier is moddable by design, with its resources made composable through the very physics that govern the game. This gives rise to a new category of in-game objects known as Smart Assemblies, unlocking unprecedented flexibility and creativity for players.

Smart Assemblies are objects within the game that obey the immutable laws of game physics while running smart contract Solidity code to govern their programming and functionality. Using Solidity, players can literally write the rules and behavior of decentralized applications, and therefore, any Smart Assembly created in the game.

This groundbreaking concept acts as an open-ended platform, allowing players to construct and program in-game structures and entities to fit their unique needs. More specifically, the Smart Assembly acts as a cornerstone technology for Frontier spacefarers to engage in in-game base-building at the outset of the simulation. All player-built structures start from the Smart Assembly template and extend their behavior and functionality into unique usage.

In the near future, additional functionality for Smart Assemblies will flourish. For example, a Smart Storage Unit will be a structure anchored in space that can hold and dispense any form of inventory - whether it be currencies, items, or other assets a player chooses to load. Its code enables the object to execute logic through smart contracts on the EVE Frontier blockchain. This means players will have the ability to create and deploy any logic they can imagine, using smart contracts to shape their interactions and creations within the game world.

Utilizing the concept of Smart Assemblies, this Smart Storage Unit can be coded to serve as a marketplace, a quest giver, a bounty hunter system, an arcade machine, and more.

Any functionality linked to a Smart Assembly must be configured with Fuel consumption requirements, as these objects exist within the game world’s physics. Furthermore, these Fuel requirements can be modified or removed without redeploying the smart contracts, allowing for adjustments to reflect evolving game mechanics, shifting Fuel costs, or future gameplay needs.

All Smart Assemblies reside in a universe governed by impermanence. Players must expend energy (i.e., Fuel) to safeguard the items within them, or else they will begin to degrade. Furthermore, these objects are vulnerable to attack from other players, necessitating defense measures to ensure survival. All game objects (including Smart Assemblies) are subject to world of destruction and entropy.

In the future, Smart Assemblies will extend to nearly all aspects of the game world such as ships, items, planets, modules, and more. This will unlock a limitless design space for third-party development.

While Smart Assemblies are subject to the digital physics of the universe, conceptual objects such as corporation organizations and currencies will not, as they do not have a physical game representation. However, the same principles of autonomy and composability exist for Smart Assemblies and non-physical objects.

All of these Smart Assemblies and conceptual objects live on the Frontier blockchain, a layer 2 on Ethereum. As such, any Smart Object created is automatically a Singleton. All in-game resources represent on-chain game state and functionality, with many requiring an on-chain ownership model. This ownership is facilitated using tokens built on common ERC standards, ensuring that these resources are fundamentally composable and interoperable with one another through a shared technological interface.

In summary, this results in the following key facts:

  • The core physics exist as immutable laws on the blockchain

  • Objects are designed to be consistent and compatible with the base blockchain logic

  • Everything can easily interact with each other via composability

  • All immutable rules can be built on to allow for an emergent universe

  • Therefore, programs can be created and automated within the universe’s physics

  • Combined together, they unlock cooperation at a scale henceforth undiscovered in any virtual world

"Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious." - Stephen Hawking

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