Powering the Economy

Token Standards: ERC20, ERC721, and Beyond

Blockchain technology in the Frontier will extend beyond the "physical" cosmos, where the immutable laws of Digital Physics govern the universe. Elements that lie outside these laws - such as key aspects of the economy, social structures, and political organizations - will also be built on immutable and transparent primitives. In these areas, blockchain will provide a direct connection to real-world value, ensuring trust and permanence.

EVE Frontier follows widely accepted blockchain token standards on the Ethereum network, such as ERC20 and ERC721, ensuring both compatibility and interoperability with the broader blockchain ecosystem. ERC20 tokens are used for fungible assets like the EVE Token and Tribe/Syndicate tokens. In contrast, ERC721 powers singletons - unique digital assets such as characters, avatars, ships, and other in-game entities. While operating inside the game client, virtual currencies and singletons follow a slightly different standard to interact with any game object rather than a blockchain address. As a result, they are not technically ERC20 and ERC721, but they are functionally identical and can port over to those standards with a single transaction.

In leveraging these standards, EVE Frontier not only ensures ease of integration with other dApps and platforms, but also fosters a thriving marketplace of third party developers - many of whom may be well-versed in Solidity and the Ethereum blockchain.

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