Core Beliefs

Human Growth from Shared Experiences:

  • Playing together is fundamental to being human: an essential activity in our lives that leads to personal growth and satisfaction. By sharing experiences with one another, we connect, learn and grow. This is true across the virtual and the physical. From loss to hope, from anger to joy, shared experiences create meaning in our lives. EVE Frontier takes this belief and transplants it upon its universe: the Frontier is a world defined by shared experience, conveyed through the necessity of banding together to survive its brutality in the quest to build anew. Through intense and unpredictable adversity, EVE Frontier will create meaningful human connection and personal growth for its inhabitants, driving the formation of culture and identity within the world itself.

A Virtual Nation & Digital Sovereignty:

  • The Code of Hammurabi, a collection of 282 rules, set the standards for commercial dealings and outlined fines and punishments to uphold justice. As one of the earliest and most comprehensive legal texts, it was etched into clay tablets and safeguarded within the city's walls. Today, End User License Agreements (EULAs) govern the digital property rights of everything; from our game libraries, our songs, to almost everything we create online. These EULAs typically grant participants only the most limited rights of access, restricting their ability to fully engage with or contribute to the virtual world. As such, these virtual worlds are in fact, chiseled in a metaphorical stone age. With EVE Frontier, we aim to transform this approach by creating a world where digital property rights are not only immutable but self-governing, eliminating the need for any "Hammurabi" to oversee and protect those rights. The world, true only to itself, will be the only governor.

  • We believe that participants and contributors to virtual worlds should have ownership rights to the digital property they create or that arises from their collective efforts. EVE Frontier will be collectively owned, governed, and operated by its players, evolving into an independent and sovereign entity - a virtual nation free from autocratic control. The framework established will empower players to form and sustain their own tribes and cultures, free from interference, except from other players. The powerful tools provided will mirror this autonomy, allowing players to create their own laws, livelihoods, and enforce them through smart contracts, in-game mechanics, and self-crafted societal norms.

Autonomous World:

  • We seek to build a world that exists in perpetuity, where every player can contribute and bring their unique ambition to life. Continuously extending and enhancing the ecosystem to benefit all participants is critical. Rooted in composability and built upon a programmable foundation, creating such a world presents a significant technological challenge - one that was not feasible until the advent of recent groundbreaking technologies and techniques for its full realization. The decision to build on blockchain came after years of careful consideration. While not yet perfect, it serves as the best starting point. As cryptographic methods and blockchain capabilities grow to support greater scale and compute power, this virtual world will eventually run without the need for privileged actors, achieving the vision of a fully autonomous world.

Open Third-Party Development:

  • We envision a future for EVE Frontier that is both persistent and autonomous, independent of its creators and contributors. The efforts of players to recivilize the Frontier, coupled with the game's inherent design and technological foundations, are key to this evolution. Through a wealth of player-built utility, societies will rise and cultures will form, shaping the simulation. EVE Frontier will acknowledge and empower these player-driven developments through its framework, tools, and business model.

  • Thus, having an open approach to third-party development is important. Through Smart Assemblies (programmable in-game objects) and additional constructs within the game world, players will have open access to enhance and extend aspects of EVE Frontier’s server in real-time, freely expressing their creativity. We will do this by using open-source tools wherever practical, even taking the step to open-source proprietary components, such as the Carbon engine.

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