Quest for Fuel

Everything in the universe requires Fuel to operate. Acquiring Fuel is a task in and of itself. Fuel is created by using a Catalyst to refine Crude Matter, which must be extracted from Rifts using specialized Lenses outfitted to ships. Lenses and Catalysts both break down over time, so replacements will be necessary.

Because the tools to create Fuel require an allocation of resources (through subscription-granted Lenses and Catalysts, or through EVE Tokens granting additional Lenses and Catalysts), Fuel will always have value of some kind, denominated in EVE Tokens. The ability to control the Lens/Catalyst to EVE Token exchange rate will be transferred to the players over time as the economy matures.

Everything in the game requires Fuel to run, so items in the game will all have a nominal base value plus the time and risk it took to construct the item in question. The amount of Fuel required to move or activate objects is directly proportional to the mass of the object in question. The larger the object, the more Fuel is required.

There are 2 main currencies that exist in the EVE Frontier ecosystem:

  • EVE Token - a fungible cryptocurrency that exists primarily as a utility token (and exclusively on the blockchain) as a means of exchange for bridging the external blockchain and in game economy. Spend it to purchase additional Lenses and Catalysts, and hold it for governance power within player built organizations, or for EVE Frontier protocol choices and game decisions. The tokenomics of EVE Tokens will be released in a separate document so as not to take the focus away from the game in this whitepaper.

  • LUX - a fungible virtual currency that functions similarly to ISK in EVE Online. LUX is used as an in-game currency and the in-game economy operates with it. NPCs buy and sell with LUX. Enterprising players may be able to earn enough LUX to purchase their game subscription entirely with LUX. LUX is built on token standards, but lives exclusively on the Carbon Development Platform running EVE Frontier. As such, it cannot be traded outside of CDP.

Additional currencies can be integrated into the game through various tokens created and controlled by third-party builders and players. Thanks to the nature of blockchain, players can create their own tokens at will, using them to organize a Tribe or Syndicate through governance mechanics, operating as parallel third-party apps. These apps can then be integrated into the game’s mechanics via the Carbon Development Platform (CDP), the infrastructure platform which contains the game engine and additional components required to operate EVE Frontier. Players have full autonomy to establish their own rules for these tokens. Since all tokens integrating with the CDP will follow the same interface and standards, they will be fully composable and interoperable with each other.

Last updated