Social Organization & Politics

One could argue that human culture has evolved by overcoming challenges through increasingly complex organization into social groups and systems. Our minds instinctively seek to build infrastructure that enables us to tackle grand, collective goals, shaping societies capable of addressing ever-larger problems in a bid to improve the odds of survival and prosperity.

In EVE Frontier, that challenge is the monumental task of rebuilding a broken, desolate, and unforgiving universe from the ground up. The harsh environment - dominated by three unstable, unpredictable supermassive black holes, rogue AIs, and, ultimately, the unpredictable nature of other players - ensures that survival on the Frontier will be anything but easy for those who dare to inhabit it.

We will be embracing player-driven organization from day one - empowered with novel social frameworks and governance models to help players organize at scale as they band together to rebuild a broken world. Striking the right balance is essential. We aim to create a unifying framework and standard for organization while providing players with enough flexibility to explore their creativity. This will allow them to invent diverse organizational paradigms that align with their vision, free from unnecessary constraints.

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